Tuesday, March 8, 2011


farts.  Ha.  This is what Tim, my husband, calls the rainbows I see often in the sky and get excited about.  Rainbow farts!  I saw one today and took it as a sign.  I stayed after work late to work on report cards and narratives.  A fellow teacher entered my classroom, and we started a discussion that really has no end:  the units of study that Lucy Calkins invented.  Argh is all I have to say.

Anyway, the discussion that has no end, eventually ended as I was packing up my things because I had to get going.  Slow flow yoga was 30 minutes away.  And I so needed it today.

I was about five minutes behind schedule, behind the time I intended to leave.  Needless to say, a few events occurred that had me thinking, of course this is happening as I am running late.  For instance, the bridge was closed, so I had to take a longer route.

Thinking to myself whether I should just stop at my dad's house, which is on the way to yoga class, or bust in late, once I started hitting all green lights on Atlantic Avenue, I thought I had a shot of not being too late.  Btw-Making all the lights on Atlantic Ave was a first!

Then, I looked up at the horizon, and saw the rainbow!  In the middle of everything, it was beautiful.  I felt at that moment that I would make it to class.

So I went.  And it was a relaxing 89 minutes,  as I was only 1 minute late.

Here is a picture of the rainbow "farts" that I usually see.

This is the best picture I can find.  Tim calls them rainbow farts because I always see 1/4 of a rainbow in the sky.  He tells me they are not rainbows!  Ha.  I really do get excited when I see them too.


  1. Was driving to Glasboro yesterday afternoon and saw rainbows too. Nice! Did not take picture of two rainbows, one on the west and the other on the east sides of the sun. First time seeing such a rainbow. Two years ago first time I saw a double rainbow. Glad u did not stop over my home since I was not there. Have a nice week. Love, Dad

  2. Nice! I think I saw double rainbows once over our house in Ventnor. Let me know next time you are home. You'll have to come over for dinner! Miss u.
